Turbulence index

World Event Prediction

  low  |  medium  |  high  |  extreme
  low  |  medium  |  high  |  extreme
  low  |  medium  |  high  |  extreme
Last Update: 2023-10-08 12:00 UTC
Will be updated in: 10:00

About Turbulence Index

In our highly interconnected world, significant alterations in one domain inevitably influence others through a chain reaction effect. Understanding this, we have designed an advanced risk prediction model. It's a product of relentless analysis of thousands of years of various events using artificial intelligence. As a result, we assert our proficiency in forecasting future stimuli for significant change, which we refer to as impacts, with an impressive precision, often narrowing it down to just a few days, and in certain cases, even pinpointing the exact day.

This index is updated every 10 minutes and reflects the percent of tension common to all areas of life, and predicts the potential and probability of changes in percentages from 1 to 100%. For a rough understanding, an impact of more than 50% is a significant change in the world, it can be compared to the beginning of hostilities or very serious upheavals.

Now we are testing it, and you can see the forecast for the next day, but we already have the ability to make a forecast for several years in advance and the more data we collect for confirming its operation, the more information we will provide you in the future.

This index has been meticulously fine-tuned with using artificial intelligence. The principle of its operation pivots around two key parameters which measure the potency and likelihood of impact respectively.

The IMPACT, measures the strength or force of a possible change, effectuated in terms of a percentage. This potent metric taps into the profound depths of historical data, allowing us to project the potential magnitude of future changes and deviations based on a percentage scale.

Its veritable strength lies in its ability to forecast potential disruptors and evaluate their potential ramifications, offering invaluable insights for strategic planning and risk management.

How You Can Use It

We didn't just arbitrarily name it a turbulence index. In a certain sense, it's an index of volatility or large changes. This is because through our research, we noted that almost all areas of life are heavily energy-charged on days with high Impact indicators (over 50%). It's like accumulated energy that will undoubtedly discharge somewhere (an impulse of potential impact), the probability value acts as a trigger. We don't know where this lightning will strike, but we can see that the likelihood of such a strike is increasing.

We are often inclined to assume that it's something bad. However, this is not necessarily the case, as energy can be used in various ways. So, one shouldn't perceive this index as an omen of misfortune. This index reflects accumulated energy and the probability of its discharge, but we don't know the polarity of this event. We are assuming that it depends on the state of mind or the condition of the area where this event takes place.

This implies that it needs to be applied to a specific sphere or field, and it is necessary to find out exactly how things were there before. If there was growth, it will probably strengthen, and if there was a decrease, it might also intensify. You can, of course, choose days with less impact (lower energy) or days with a smaller likelihood. Yet this suggests that these are only days without significant changes or stagnation days, and it is probable that important decisions will not be made at this time, or they will be postponed. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide whether or not to use this data.

Why Did We Do This?

Initially, we did predictive model for a neural network forecasting future stock prices based on historical data and various market indicators Using Machine Learning, and partly for this task we are using it now, but we noticed that it reflects the general state of the world in various areas, and this can be useful for everyone.

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